In the mean time I am following up on a few projects, some blog posts that I'm looking to do on multiple sites and working at finding something engaging for the kids homeschooling wise this week. It's a short week and it means that the kids of course don't want to do as much but as we homeschool year around, it's business as usual in the WoolWytch household. The Diva is already pretty good with analogies, but it may be time to really sit Calvin down and work on them. I have to chuckle over all the back to school sales advertised on TV because we don't really stop schooling over summer so for us it doesn't apply, so our TV has been turned off and when not on the computer for homeschooling, creative active play has been encouraged.
We are also employing e-readers now in our homeschooling. I use my Nook Color frequently and when we go to the Co-op meeting on the 18th I'll bring mine with the flash cards on it. I love that we can access time4learning on this as well as use all the various apps that are available on it. A proper Nook Color review from a homeschoolers perspective is coming soon - as I have to say this has been a pretty useful tool. Best thing is you can take it out to the park and in between play times when the kids climb off the monkey bars you can sit for story time.