So The Kid shared some of her photo's with me. Here they are in their glory. Remember what I said - ABC Carriers are not nice to the boobs. Garret was happy though.
All those balls from the ball winder were recently twist set and measured to be as accurate in the yardage as I could get... hence being in balls. I don't know which will be better for selling on Etsy - hanks or images of balls already wound. We'll find out, and if I need to I can wind some balls onto the niddy noddy (my PVC one is there in the pic) and see if it helps the yarn sales from there. I do hope they sell as I need to pay for my roving I ordered. Or Repay myself for it? It's good therapy, but is nice that it's therapy that can pay for itself.
Yes - for those of you in the know - it is a smaller bobbin on the jumbo flyer head. I was cheating, it worked out nice though.
Garret was delighted to be in the ABC when I was spinning, but loved even more the attention that Boo and The Kid were showering on him
His face is changing again, and in this one you can really see how much he looks like his big sister.
I think he was channeling his Daddy and trying to charm the older ladies... Boo certainly loved playing with him.
He really is a charmer...
Seriously - aren't they adorable, Boo is just awesome with Garret, and really is so good with the fact he's a baby. She couldn't wait to hold and play with him and even shared her little bell which he shook with much gusto.
Like I wrote above, she was awesome with him and he just adored her. I felt bad that Tessa wasn't able to get some time with her, but there's always a next time, and one of these days I think that we'll likely meet her mom and Boo for lunch and the four of us will go out for Sushi and leave the boys at home.